To meet the safety standards she must come out of the water every two years. This year it was not a moment too soon. As we arrived after our 11 days sail a pipe that uses seawater to cool the engines burst and water came rushing into the engine room. God was Faithful to hold it together, otherwise we would have been adrift at sea until we sorted out the problem.
During dry dock children under 18 can not be on the ship for safety reasons. So Mercy Ships finds housing for us. This year God was faithful and 3 hotels offered us free room and board for the 3 weeks we would need. It turned out to be a win/win because there was a press conference that shed a positive light on the shipyard, the hotels and Mercy Ships. Our family was asked to be part of the fun.
I've continued to work on the ship and recently have been promoted to Senior chaplain for the Cameroon field service 2017-18. Rachel and the kids have enjoyed the hotel to the fullest. It is close to the ocean and we have all enjoyed the sand and sea...God is faithful.
There is so much work that is done during this time and some volunteers come specifically to help during this season every year even though it is loud, dusty and hot (no AC). The doctors and nurses are often the ones who end up on the videos or photos with patients, but it takes a huge team effort to allow this ministry to bring free surgery to some of the poorest people on earth. We are thankful for our supporters who are part of our team that allow us to serve with Mercy Ships. Tomorrow we start 3 weeks of vacation to see family and friends and prepare ourselves for serving in Cameroon for 10 months starting in August.
Thank you for your prayers and support.
The Yangas clan