Friday, September 1, 2017

First things first- by Kevin

Time: it is the one currency that we can not truly save.  Sometime it passes so fast.  Since our last post on July 9th we have slept in 9 different beds, changed countries 5 times (including Rachel and I dashing to the U.S. to keep her Green Card), and become Diamond Shellbacks* by sailing through the 0-0 (crossing the Equator and the Prime Meridian).  God has shown himself in the big things (finding us new renters for our house) and the small (playing on grass).

*The rarest Shellback status is that of the Emerald Shellback (USA), or Royal Diamond Shellback (Commonwealth), which is received after crossing the Equator at the prime meridian,[7] .

The reading plan Mercy Ships is working through is called "First Things First" from Matthew 6:33, "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you as well".  And he has "added unto us" during our transition time, and these pictures are proof of His faithfulness: 

        Walks with Papa and Grandma (and Perry)
Ashani's first attempt to pick spinach leaves was a bit too vigorous as evidenced by the entire plant coming out of the ground (to Grandma's shock)

Spending quality time with my brother and nephew

Playing "500".  Clash of the super competitive Buzzard  and Yangas clans (many bruises but no broken bones).

Time with just "us"

                                                           Worship on the bow

                    Catching up with our classmates. "On-boarding class of June 2016" (best class ever)

Following God is not all unicorns and rainbows.  Sometimes its just the rain.  Cameroon gets over 12 FEET of rain a year!  We prayed to see more green this year, and we can:  We can see grass and trees from our dock space which will be home for the next 10 months.   
The Cameroon government gave us a generous dock space with a view of trees!.

The crew can walk and run through the port (which is a nice change that we really enjoy), and we even have a small area to play soccer and volleyball.  Rachel's favorite part is that we are docked on a tidal river. We can't go for walks in the forest, so God brings the forest to us: When the tide comes in it brings large amounts of the mangrove swamp which we get to see floating past our window.  Such is the kindness of God.  :D

Surgeries will begin Sept 5th and the ship has been buzzing with everyone in start-up mode, including us:  We have a couple of new team members in our 6-person Chaplaincy department and I have been getting my head around my new role as Senior Chaplain and all that that entails.  
We appreciate your prayers as we find our pace and the "unforced rhythms of grace" to sustain us for this 10 months, so that we can serve the crew well.

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