Monday, June 8, 2015

Things are getting pretty crazy around here.

We move out of our house in 3 weeks.  We fly in exactly 24 days.

I'm at THAT point - you know the one - where you have been sorting, packing and cleaning for at least 63 years, and you are certain that there cannot be a SINGLE item left in the entire house, and then you turn around and realize that all your stuff has either been multiplying behind your back, or sneaking back into the house in the dead of night.

And then you find yourself staring at a half-used pack of mini post-it notes for about 10 minutes because you simply cannot decide whether to pitch it, yard sale it, bring it with you, store it in the attic, or give it to someone who might need it.

And then you just want to cry because your gorgeous, precious 5-year old digs her little heels in and simply refuses to go and spend the day with a dear friend who has kindly offered to take her for several HOURS so that you can actually get stuff done.  (And whom she has spent the day with before on several occasions, and had a great time, I might add.).  It seems that the transition craziness is getting to all of us.

Which brings me to the subject of trying to balance all the other aspects of life as well, ALL AT THE SAME TIME.  My kids still need to be hugged, read to, time spent with.  (Daniel said to Kevin last night, "Mum just seems to be really busy all the time at the moment."  Um, yes.  I do.  But apparently I need to try to pull it back a notch.)
And, these people want to eat!  I mean, EVERY day!  Plus, two of them had the nerve to have their birthdays last week.  Including cake.

I need to remind myself to KEEP relinquishing it to Him.  Giving it back to Him, over and over again.  He's got this.  God does actually know how to pack up a house.  And keep my children sane.  And in just over 3 weeks we will be stepping onto an airplane with nothing but our 5 suitcases (and 5 carry-ons, and a couple of backpacks, perhaps some jackets we weren't able to fit in.  And probably a stuffed animal or two), and looking at each other and saying, "we DID it!", and probably crying a little because, good grief, we will MISS this place and these people.

So, for the next three weeks I will try to hug my children and my husband more, be thankful for the GREAT house I'm packing up, this perfect house that has served us so well for 8 years.  I will enjoy the Ellensburg sunshine, I will relish being around people I have shared history with, people who know me for who I am.

Because, for better or for worse, this season is almost over.